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Template Naruto Shippuden

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Skarang Abang Shabrun mau nge Posting Template Naruto Shippuden . Lets go ;)

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Template Blog Fairy Tail

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Skarang saya mau berbagi tentang Template blog Fairy Tail , mau tau bagaimana ?? Cekidot ;)

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By : Unknown
Tsuchinoko, hewan reptil yang dimunculkan dalam mitologi bangsa Jepang

Tsuchinoko yang ditemukan yang ditemukan di kota Mikata, Jepang
Pada 6 Juni 2001, di sebuah kota bernama Mikata, Jepang ditemukan seekor reptil yang tidak biasa, yaitu  reptil yang dianggap sebagai hewan mistik “Tsuchinoko”, seekor makhluk berbentuk ular legendaris yang pertama kali disinggung pada abad ke-8. Makhluk itu pertama kali disinggung dalam “Kojiki”, sebuah teks kuno abad ke-8 yang merupakan sebuah manuskrip bahasa Jepang tertua di dunia. Walaupun banyak penampakan makhluk ini yang dilaporkan selama periode perang, namun laporan ini ditanggapi dengan skeptis mengingat tidak ada satupun makhluk yang pernah tertangkap untuk dipelajari.

Namun semuanya berubah, menurut pejabat pemerintah lokal bernama Toshikazu Miyawaki, makhluk yang berhasil ditangkap oleh penduduk Jepang beberapa waktu yang lalu adalah benar makhluk legendaris tersebut. Seperti dilansir Japan Times, “Kami memutuskan untuk membiarkan hewan ini beradaptasi dengan lingkungan barunya.” Katanya. Pemerintah lokal telah membangun sebuah kandang untuk hewan tersebut.

Menurut laporan-laporan sebelumnya, Tsuchinoko atau yang lebih dikenal masyarakat di bagian Timur Jepang dengan sebutan bachi hebi, adalah seekor reptil yang memiliki panjang antara 30cm – 80cm dengan kepala yang lebih besar dan taring yang beracun. Hal yang membedakannya dengan ular lain adalah ia mengeluarkan suara mencicit seperti tikus. “Menimbang ciri-ciri tersebut, kami dapat memastikan bahwa hewan itu adalah benar Tsuchinoko,” Kata Miyawaki. “ketika dibawa ke balai kota, tubuhnya benar-benar tebal dan pendek. Beberapa orang juga mendengar ia mencicit.

Kota kecil Mikata sendiri sering menggunakan laporan penampakan hewan ini sebagai bahan penarik perhatian bagi para turis. Dan pada tahun 1989, walikota Tsujio Yoshida bahkan mengumumkan sayembara dengan hadiah tanah seluas 330 m2 bagi siapa saja yang bisa menangkap Tsuchinoko. Miyawaki mengatakan bahwa hewan yang tertangkap itu memiliki panjang sekitar 70 cm ketika ditangkap pada 6 Juni 2001, sekarang telah bertumbuh hingga 1 meter. Setelah lebih dari seminggu dipamerkan ke publik di dalam aquarium plastik, reptil itu kelihatan lelah. Setelah kondisinya stabil pemerintah kota baru akan memikirkan cara meneliti hewan itu. Mungkin dengan mengambil sampel DNA dari tubuhnya.

Jadi, butuh waktu bagi orang yang menangkapnya untuk menerima hadiah tanah yang dijanjikan. “Bahkan jika ternyata hewan itu bukan Tsuchinoko, tetap saja hewan seperti itu belum pernah ditemukan sebelumnya di dunia. Saya berharap spesiesnya akan diakui oleh masyarakat dunia.” Kata Miyawaki.
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Sony Announces PlayStation 4

By : Unknown

The Japanese electronics giant said its PlayStation 4, announced at an invitation-only event in New York on Wednesday, is designed to take advantage of new technologies for customers to play games and responds to the burgeoning popularity of smartphones and tablets in gaming.

Sony, while demonstrating the underlying hardware, didn't actually show the coming console, disclose its pricing or precisely when it will go on sale, though the company said it will be ready for the 2013 holiday season.

Sony announced its PlayStation 4 at an event in New York Wednesday without ever showing the new console. MarketWatch's Dan Gallagher reports. (Photo: Getty Images)

The company did show off a new controller designed with an integrated touchpad and new button dedicated to sharing game information; it also displayed an upgraded motion-control camera product.

Sony, as expected, said it integrated a new technology called streaming or cloud gaming, which will allow customers to remotely play games being run on servers over the Web.

Heard: PlayStation 4 is No Game Changer
Japan Real Time: What We Still Don't Know About the PS4
Recap: Sony's PlayStation event
Speakeasy: Six Things Gamers Should Know
Sony Builds Hype for New Console
Sony Moves Closer to Its Game Vision

The company also said it developed a new social-networking service that allows customers to upload gameplay footage to the Internet, as well as watch others as they play. The service will connect to existing social networks, Sony said, as well as to mobile devices that will tap into many of the features offered on the PlayStation 4.

"The consumer is changing us," said Andrew House, head of Sony's PlayStation division. "The living room is no longer the center of the PlayStation ecosystem; the gamer is."

The PlayStation 4 comes as the videogame industry has been grappling with dramatic shifts in consumer behavior. Since the last PlayStation was launched in 2006, mobile devices such as Apple Inc.'s AAPL -2.48% iPhone and Samsung Electronics Co.'s Galaxy Tab have become go-to machines for a new swath of casual games that are either free or cost a few dollars.

"Since the launch of PlayStation 3, we've seen a proliferation of the number and types of devices people own," said Mark Cerny, one of Sony's head developers of the new console.

As a result, sales of new games, consoles and accessories in U.S. retail stores have contracted every month for more than a year, according to market researcher NPD Group. Rival Microsoft Corp., also reacting to the slowdown, is also expected to update its Xbox console this year.

Under the hood, Sony's new device runs on chips from Advanced Micro Devices Inc.,AMD -4.44% which includes eight PC-style processors along with powerful graphics circuitry. In the prior device, Sony used a specialized chip that it developed along withInternational Business Machines Corp. IBM -0.51% and Toshiba Corp.6502.TO -1.90% The hardware shift is designed to make it easier for programmers to develop games for the device, Sony said.

Analysts have said the shift to such hardware will help cut down on the cost to build the device. The PlayStation 3 was criticized for its high retail price, which came in part because of the cost of the specialized chips that ran it. Mr. House in an interview declined to comment about the profitability of the machine, but did say the new PlayStation will have "a much more robust economic model behind it."

The new hardware won't support games made for the existing PlayStation 3, however. Instead, Sony said, it is exploring using its streaming technology to allow gamers to play PlayStation 3 titles on the new device.

But the PlayStation 4's streaming technology, a marquee feature of the new device, also will allow customers to try titles before they buy them and quickly begin playing a game after only a small segment of its data has been downloaded. The company said it has also created new connections between the PlayStation 4 and its handheld videogame console, the PlayStation Vita, allowing customers to play games running on the PlayStation 4 on the mobile device.

Numerous game developers, including Activision Blizzard Inc. ATVI -2.74% andCapcom Co., 9697.TO -0.82% showed off flashy games they had been developing for the device while also touting Sony's commitment to making game development easier.

Yves Guillemot, chief executive of Ubisoft Entertainment SA, UBI.FR -2.28% said the technology in Sony's PlayStation 4 will make for ultrarealistic, immersive titles. "Next-generation games blur the lines between real and virtual worlds more than ever before," he said

With PlayStation 4, Sony Aims for Return to Glory

By : Unknown
The first three generations of PlayStation sold more than 300 million units, pioneered a new style of serious video games and produced hefty profits. PlayStation 4, introduced by Sony Wednesday evening, is a bold bid to recapture those long-ago glory days.

The first new PlayStation in seven years was promoted by Sony as being like a “supercharged PC.” It has a souped-up eight-core processor to juggle more complex tasks simultaneously, enhanced graphics, the ability to play games even as they are being downloaded, and a new controller designed in tandem with a stereo camera that can sense the depth of the environment in front of it.

All of that should make for more compelling play for the hard-core gamers at the heart of the PlayStation market. The blood effects in Killzone: Shadow Fall, shown to a preview audience of 1,200 at the Hammerstein at Manhattan Center Wednesday night, looked chillingly real.

The console itself was never shown during the two-hour presentation. No release date was given, although before the Christmas holidays is a good possibility. No price was mentioned.

With PlayStation 4, serious games are about to become much more social. A player can broadcast his game play in real time, and his friend can peek into his game and hop in to help. Also, players will now be able to upload recordings of themselves playing and send them to their friends.

These and other new features cannot hide the fact that PlayStation 4 is still a console, a way of playing games on compact discs that was cool when cellphones were not smart.

Much of the excitement in video games has shifted to the Web and mobile devices, which are cheap, easy and fast. Nintendo’s new Wii, introduced in November, has been a disappointment. Microsoft’s Xbox, the third major console, is racing to become a home entertainment center as fast as it can.

“Today marks a moment of truth and a bold step forward for PlayStation,” Andrew House, chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment, told the crowd. He said the new device “represents a significant shift of thinking of PlayStation as merely a box or console to thinking as a leading authority on play.”

But the new PlayStation will have a difficult time, like the character in Killzone who was shooting at the people in the helicopter while hanging from the helicopter. Sales of consoles from all makers peaked in 2008, when about 55 million units were sold, according to the research firm I.D.C. By last year, that was down to 34 million.

For 2014, Lewis Ward, I.D.C.’s research manager for video games, forecast a recovery to about 44.5 million.

“From peak to peak, we’ll be down about 10 million,” he said. “There was attrition to alternative gaming platforms like tablets, but the trough was exacerbated by the 2008-9 recession. It did not permit as many people to buy who under normal economic conditions would have bought a console.”

That was reflected in Sony’s miserable financial results. The company has lost money for the last three years, hampered not only by slower console sales but also by a range of unexciting electronic products, a strong yen and the 2011 tsunami that struck Japan.

Analysts have made dire remarks about the one-time powerhouse’s viability. But Sony seems to have bottomed out, helped by a yen that has now weakened. Sony executives said this month that they expected a profit in 2013.

Sony’s new chief executive, Kazuo Hirai, has a longtime personal connection to the PlayStation franchise and is making it one of the core elements of a more tightly focused company. Mr. Hirai became known for some of his more confident statements about the PlayStation, particularly a 2006 swipe at Microsoft: “The next generation doesn’t start until we say it does.”

These days, the next generation is playing games on the Web. Console makers typically sell their consoles for a loss and generate profit through sales of games. In 2012, American consumers spent $14.8 billion on game content, including computer and video games, down from $16.34 billion in the previous year, according to the NPD Group, a research firm.

Instead of buying traditional games, which typically cost $50 or more, many consumers are being drawn to the cheaper, sometimes free games available for their smartphones and tablets, analysts say.

PlayStation 4 games can be streamed to the PlayStation Vita, Sony’s portable game device, among other features.

“The architecture is like a PC in many ways, but supercharged to bring out its full potential as a gaming platform,” said Mark Cerny, Sony’s lead system architect.

James L. McQuivey, a Forrester analyst, said that for the PlayStation 4 to succeed, Sony needed to think beyond games. The console will have to provide other types of content and services, like video conferencing, third-party apps and a TV service to create a deeper, long-term relationship with the customer.

By comparison, Apple, the world’s leading consumer electronics maker, does not just sell hardware. It also has a universe of digital content including apps, music, movies and e-books to make people come back for more Apple gear every year. Apple generally takes an enviable 30 percent cut of all media it sells. Microsoft, Google and Amazon are making similar moves to create such a product array.

“Then and only then can Sony hope to learn enough about its users to overcome its own bias toward preferring to design products in response to engineering principles rather than customer needs,” Mr. McQuivey said.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: February 20, 2013

An earlier version of this article misstated the number of consecutive years in which Sony has lost money. It is three years, not four.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:

Correction: February 20, 2013

An earlier version of this article misstated the name of a research company that follows the electronics industry. It is the NPD Group, not NDP Group.
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PlayStation 4 Buzz Turns To Disappointment

By : Unknown
PlayStation 4

Launching a product without showing anyone what it looks like is a bold marketing tactic indeed - but that's exactly what Sony did with the PlayStation 4.

Given the company lost £3.2bn in the last financial year, you'd have thought the successor to the 75m-selling PS3 would have been front and centre.

Which, without physically being on show, it was.

It is, of course, far more important to consider what the PS4 can do, rather than what it looks like sat next to your telly.

And whilst nothing that was announced on Wednesday was particularly revelatory, gamers, particularly the PlayStation faithful, will have started to get butterflies.

Described by Sony as having "supercharged PC architecture", the PS4's X86 CPU, enhanced GPU and 8 GB memory, plus a new controller communicating with a motion-sensing camera on the console, promise a substantial technical leap forward from the six year old PS3 - if not an "exponential improvement on its predecessors" as Mark Cerny, lead PS4 system architect, hyperbolically commented.

"A PC in a box", as one PS fan described it on Twitter. Not far off the mark.

But we didn't get a price. Nor did Sony announce a firm release date, pointing to "holiday 2013".

We did discover that it would not be "backwards compatible" - that it would not play PS3 games - save, perhaps, through the Gaikai cloud-sharing service Sony bought last year.

The rumoured "share button" did materialise - meaning the console will monitor and buffer your last fifteen minutes of gameplay, and allow you to share your achievements with your friends.

But that was perhaps where the excitement began, and ended.

Despite all the buzz ahead of the launch there has been something of a lacklustre response from tech websites concerned, or perhaps annoyed, at a lack of substance.

"Talk is the cheapest thing there is," commented Wired. "And that’s basically what Sony did today.

"It espoused a philosophy, said the names of a lot of popular games, but didn't give us any real, concrete information in an age where it's more important than ever."

Gizmodo snarkily observed: "As the hours of demos and introductions dragged on, it became increasingly obvious that we weren't actually going to see the PlayStation 4.

"Sony either isn't ready for primetime, or Sony thinks the best way to get us interested is to play hard to get."

CNet delivered perhaps the most crushing assessment: "The PS4 looks like it's long on promises and big-picture dreaming, but currently short on clear, concrete reasons why anyone would be tempted to buy one."

The launch was clearly an attempt to steal a march on the expected X-Box launch at the E3, the annual video games expo held in June.

But for interest to have been truly piqued, Sony needed to show a little more leg along with the ankle.

And perhaps the biggest question remains: who, Sony or Microsoft, will get to market first?
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Cheat 8 Pool Ball

By : Unknown

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- open process ke browser anda
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Enjoy Cheatting !!!

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Cara Menambahkan Google Plus One

By : Unknown

1. Login ke Akun Blogger Anda
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Untuk melihat hasilnya tidak usah jauh-jauh, Anda cukup lihat kolaborasi tombol google plus one milik saya seperti dibawah ini.

Cara Mengganti Model Curcor Blog

By : Unknown

Nah Sobat Blogger, Aku sekarang ma posting tentang Tips and Tricks untuk para Blogger.
Cara Mengganti Model Cursor pada Blog kalian, yaitu :

1. Kunjungi situs www.totallyfreecursors.com 
2. Disana terdapat banyak bentuk cursor, dan pilih cursor yang Anda inginkan

 merubah cursor blog, mengganti cursor blog, cursor blog, cursor

3. Jika Anda klik cursor yang Anda inginkan maka akan muncul page baru yang akan memberi Anda kode yang nantinya akan di pasang pada blog.
4. Disana terdapat 2 kode, dan pilih kode yang atas berupa kode HTML
5. Copy kode tersebut kedalam notepad atau wordpad

Cara pemasangan kedalam bog.

1. Login ke akun bogger Anda
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6. Copy/paste kode yang anda simpan di notepad tadi
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Sekarang corsor dalam blog anda sudah tampil beda dan kelihatan menarik, selamat mencoba.

Cara Membuat Facebook Like Buttom Pada Blog

By : Unknown

1. Anda harus login ke facebook pribadi Anda.
2. Agar lebih mudah silahkan klik Social Plugins ini untuk lansung menuju ke facebook Developers.
3. Kemudia Anda pilih Like Box. maka akan muncul windoe seperti dibawah ini :
cara membuat facebook like box, membuat facebook like box, facebook like box, facebook
4. Keterangan Gambar :

Facebook Page URL : diisi dengan URL facebook fans page milik Anda, Jika belum punya silahkan ke tutorial cara membuat fans page
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 membuat facebook like box di blog

Keterngn : Didalam kotak code Facebook Like Box ini terdiri dari 3 elemen yaitu HTML5, XFBML, dan IFRAME seperti contoh gambar diatas.

5. Klik IFRAME, nah maka akan keluar  kodenya, setelah itu anda copy ke blog Anda Caranya:
- Login ke Blogger
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- Paste Kode Facebook Like Box tadi kedalamnya
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- Nah selesai dah..

Miller Missed Pro Bowl with Shoulder Injury

By : Unknown

Following a sophomore season in which Broncos linebacker Von MillerDescription: http://www.denverbroncos.com/assets/nflimg/icon-article-link.gif became the team’s all-time single-season sack king, he was named to the 2013 Pro Bowl as a starter for the AFC squad.

Miller became the first player in team history to earn Pro Bowl honors in each of his first two NFL seasons. However, he was forced to miss the All-Star game due to an injury.

“I withdrew from the pro bowl because of my left shoulder,” Miller said during an appearance on behalf of Gatorade in New Orleans on Wednesday.

The injury, which Miller said would not require surgery, is something that he has dealt with ever since his first regular-season game as a Bronco.

He didn't miss any of the team's games in either of his first two seasons with the injury and would have been able to play had Denver advanced in the postseason.

“It was an injury I had lingering from my first professional game against the Raiders last year,” Miller said. “It’s an injury that I’ve had. It hasn’t been a problem – obviously I haven’t missed any games from it and I wouldn’t have missed any other games from it if it was a game that we needed. But, it was the Pro Bowl. I went and got another opinion on my shoulder so I can be ready to go for next year.”

Miller elected to pass on the Pro Bowl in favor of beginning the healing process so he can focus on the team’s 2013 campaign.

“It’s just rest,” Miller said of the treatment plan. “I’m going to rest it and rehab it and get big and strong. I think I’ll be alright. The Broncos’ training staff kept me in great health throughout my first two years.”

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Andy Murray sets his sights on keeping pace with Novak Djokovic

By : Unknown

Andy Murray
Andy Murray left Melbourne beaten but not bowed. He did not add a second grand slam title to his portfolio after his triumph in New York four months ago but, after analysing his defeat by Novak Djokovic in the Australian Open final, he knows what he needs to do to keep pace with the world No1, and to see off the challenge of Roger Federer, whom he beat in the semi-final, and Rafael Nadal, who returns from seven months out through injury in Chile this week.

Nevertheless Murray, still third in the world, reckons it will be harder than ever to get to No1 – a goal many good judges reckon is within his grasp in 2013, including Andre Agassi and Boris Becker.
"It's tough," Murray said. "If I had won here I would have two slams, a Wimbledon final and Olympic gold and still been well behind Novak."

"The argument a few years ago was with [Caroline] Wozniacki being No1 without a slam – but Novak [who won one slam last year, the Australian] still would have been significantly ahead of me even if I'd won. With his consistency just now, Rafa [Nadal] coming back, it's going to get tougher.

"I'll need to do well the next few months and not play badly – especially in the Masters series, I will need to do well there. My next goal is to try and play good tennis in Indian Wells and Miami.

"I've realised in the last year or so that when I set myself short-term goals I tend to play better tennis that way. Previously after every slam I would look way ahead to the next one and kind of take my eye off the ball with the other events so that's the immediate goal and also slightly think about the French Open. It's a tournament I'm capable of doing well in but for me it takes a lot of practice, a lot of hours on clay to get used to it. So that's a major goal for me but I've got to do well in the next few months.

"I obviously didn't do particularly well on the clay until the French last year. Indian Wells wasn't good so there's obviously potential to pick up points and improve my ranking. The way the rankings are, I think these should be the events that dictate the majority of the rankings but that's not always the way it works."
He has some fine-tuning to do and is slightly disappointed that he did not build on his first-set lead against Djokovic in Sunday's final.

"Maybe not so much with tactics," he said. "I will have a think about why I maybe didn't create as many chances on the return as I've done in the past, but the way I was striking the ball was fine. My tactics were right, I just didn't give myself enough opportunities on his serve. I have to try and improve my return."
As for Davis Cup commitments in 2013, Murray said, "I'm going to discuss it with [Great Britain's captain, Leon Smith] once I get back from here. I spoke to him in Miami, so we will talk about it again."

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Didier Drogba Leaves China: Inside a Failed Soccer Experiment

By : Unknown
Shanghai Shenhua striker Didier Drogba of Ivory Coast attends a training session in Shanghai, July 16, 2012.
Last fall Zhu Jun, a Chinese Internet multimillionaire who convinced the Didier Drogba to join his Shanghai Shenhua football club, noted that Drogba had a two-and-a-half year contract. Despite rumors that Drogba was on his way out, the relationship between player and team “wasn’t a one-night stand.”

Zhu was right. The relationship between the star Ivorian striker and the mediocre Chinese team was actually a six-month fling. Now after half a season in a Chinese league better known for poor play and corruption—the “Allegedly Super League,” as the Guardian once called it last year—Drogba is leaving for the Turkish side Galatasaray. For most of Drogba’s short stay in China, talk swirled about his imminent departure as Zhu battled Shenhua’s other owners for control and wages for some of the team’s foreign players reportedly went unpaid. This week the long expected exit finally happened, after Galatasaray announced it had signed Drogba to an 18-month deal that will see him earn $13.5 million and a per-game fee of $20,000. After the Chinese season ended in November, Drogba had discussed playing on loan for Chelsea, the club he left last summer after leading them to a Champions League title. The move was blocked by FIFA, the sport’s international governing body. Shenhua are challenging Drogba’s move to Galatasaray, saying he still has two years on his contract.

Drogba, 34, arrived in Shanghai as a conquering hero but was faced with a terribly unglamorous task: dragging Shenhua up from the basement of the Super League. He showed the same enthusiasm with which he attacked the world’s top defenses in Europe, energizing a team that was sitting in 13th place in a league of 16 teams when he arrived. Even Nicolas Anelka, a former Chelsea teammate who had come to Shenhua six months ahead of Drogba, showed moments of newfound inspiration. For most of his year in China, however, Anelka displayed the same indifference to competing that he had as a French international during the 2010 World Cup, when he led a team revolt against the coach and was sent home early. Last week Italian squad Juventus said it had signed Anelka on a loan for the remained of the season.

(BRIEF HISTORY: World Cup Meltdowns)

But while Anelka lived up to his nickname of “Le Sulk” while at Shenhua, Drogba showed he is one of the hardest working men in the sport. Last year he went from the European season almost directly into the Chinese season and will now join Galatasaray’s Turkish and Champions league campaigns after he finishes with the African Cup of Nations, where he is representing the Ivory Coast.

He hardly takes a breather on the pitch. I watched him play for Shenhua against Dalian Shide on a sweltering August night last year. He was aggressive and direct—plowing into opposing players, flailing for loose balls, crumpling at the slightest touch in hopes of drawing a foul. At one point midway through the second half, while double-marked in the opposition corner, he lofted a shot from an improbable angle that clanged off the crossbar. Aside from Drogba though, Shenhua showed little guile. They often got bogged down in midfield and had a hard time delivering the ball to their star striker. The game ended in a scoreless draw.

For the first two months after Drogba arrived Shenhua were undefeated in league play. They finished in ninth place, better than they were sitting midseason but far off the team’s goal of finishing in the top four and thus qualifying for the Asian Champions League. For Chinese football fans long used to failure and frustration, particularly when their men’s national team faces foreign competition, the significance of Drogba’s arrival was not just about what he meant for Shenhua or even the Super League, but what he meant for the sport in China as a whole. Zhu, the Shenhua chairman, told me last fall that he thought Drogba could help elevate the country’s level of play. “In China people don’t know what organized football is,” Zhu said. “They certainly won’t listen to me. So I brought in a star to show them. Every day they can see what a good player Drogba is and how he plays football. And then they will realize what football is.”

Such justification is a bit like saying that by buying a Ferrari you can help everyone get home faster by improving traffic flow. Still, the wages paid at Drogba by Shanghai—he was reportedly making $200,000 a week—plus the lucrative sponsorship deals from companies targeting the China market, means more big names will follow. And while rich teams bankrolled by tycoons spending their way to victory may sound wearily familiar to fans of European soccer — and, say, baseball in America — it’s a welcome change in China, where owners and officials have been known to buy success more directly, by paying off a referee or a few corrupt players. Chinese teams are still nowhere close to the standard of those from England, Germany, Spain or Italy. But if throwing ridiculous sums at big name players is any measure, they’re starting to even the score.

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Dasar Hukum Sudah Ada, Raffi Dkk Belum Jadi Tersangka

By : Unknown

Dasar Hukum Sudah Ada, Raffi Dkk Belum Jadi Tersangka

Zat methylone yang terkandung dalam tubuh artis R dan enam orang lainnya telah dikategorikan masuk dalam Undang-Undang Narkotika Nomor 35 Tahun 2009. Namun, Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) belum juga menetapkan satu pun tersangka dalam kasus tersebut.

Kepala Humas BNN Kombes Sumirat Dwicahyo mengatakan, penetapan status tersangka kepada Raffi dan kawan-kawannya menjadi hak penyidik. Saat ini penyidik masih melakukan analisis terhadap beberapa saksi ahli. "Yang pasti penyidik masih mengumpulkan saksi ahli. Tidak hanya satu sisi lagi, ada pidana, farmakologi, adiksi, kesehatan, dan lain-lain," ujarnya saat ditemui Kompas.com di ruang kerjanya, Kamis (31/1/2013) malam.

Menurut Sumirat, hasil positif atau negatif dari laboratorium menjadi salah satu unsur yang dapat memberatkan seseorang untuk naik status menjadi tersangka. Unsur lain yang diselidiki adalah status kepemilikan atau penguasaan barang bukti.

Sumirat mengatakan, BNN akan berhati-hati dalam mengungkap kasus penyalahgunaan narkotika oleh Raffi dan kawan-kawannya ke hadapan publik. Kehati-hatian itu diperlukan mengingat kasus tersebut diduga terkait dengan jaringan narkotika di baliknya. Oleh sebab itu, BNN memaksimalkan waktu 6x24 jam penyelidikan yang diberikan oleh undang-undang yang ada.

"Tergantung evaluasi penyelidikan penyidik. Undang-undang sudah memberikan kita waktu tiga hari tambahan, kita akan manfaatkan itu," ujarnya.

Zat methylone yang terkandung di tubuh artis R dan enam orang lainnya masuk dalam kategori Undang-Undang Narkotika Nomor 35 Tahun 2009. Zat tersebut dianggap turunan dari katinon (chatinone), zat yang telah masuk dalam golongan I narkotika. Hal itu telah dijelaskan kepada penyidik guna menetapkan mereka sebagai tersangka.

Hingga Kamis siang, delapan orang yang masih diperiksa adalah Raffi, RJ, K, W, M, MF, J, UW. Adapun sembilan orang lain telah dilepaskan, yakni pasangan artis Zaskia Sungkar dan Irwansyah, politikus Wanda Hamidah, Sri Dewi, Mira, Furki, Roni, Nafi, dan Muhammad.

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30 Top Japanese Universities

By : Unknown

30 Top Japanese Universities

1 University of Tokyo
2 Kyoto University
3 Osaka University
4 Tokyo Institute of Technology
5 Tohoku University
6 Keio University
7 Kyushu University
8 Nagoya University
9 Hokkaido University
10 Tsukuba University
11 Kobe University
12 Chiba University
13 Waseda University
14 Hiroshima University
15 Kanazawa University
16 Okayama University
17 Tokyo University of Science
18 Tokyo Metropolitan University
19 Tokyo Medical and Dental University
20 Osaka City University
21 Niigata University
22 Kumamoto University
23 Tokushima University
24 Osaka Prefectural University
25 Gifu University
26 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
27 Yokohama National University
28 Yamaguchi University
29 Nagoya City University
30 Kagoshima University
Foto: 30 Top Japanese Universities
1 University of Tokyo
2 Kyoto University
3 Osaka University
4 Tokyo Institute of Technology
5 Tohoku University
6 Keio University
7 Kyushu University
8 Nagoya University
9 Hokkaido University
10 Tsukuba University
11 Kobe University
12 Chiba University
13 Waseda University
14 Hiroshima University
15 Kanazawa University
16 Okayama University
17 Tokyo University of Science
18 Tokyo Metropolitan University
19 Tokyo Medical and Dental University
20 Osaka City University
21 Niigata University
22 Kumamoto University
23 Tokushima University
24 Osaka Prefectural University
25 Gifu University
26 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
27 Yokohama National University
28 Yamaguchi University
29 Nagoya City University
30 Kagoshima University
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Death Note

By : Unknown

Death Note yang populer di Jepang beberapa waktu yang lalu. Cerita ini asalnya dimuat pertama kali dalam bentuk komik atau Manga, karangan Tsugumi Ohba, diterbitkan pertama kali di Weekly Shonen Jump akhir tahun 2003. Karena laris dan populer, mulai dibuat film kartun atau Anime, novel, dan film layar lebar yang terdiri dari 2 sekuel. Saking populer dan larisnya film layar lebarnya, dibuat film sampingan yang menceritakan riwayat tokoh dalam kisah aslinya.

Kisah ini menceritakan tentang pelajar cerdas yang bernama Light (prononsiasi Jepang Raito) Yagami yang muak dengan kejahatan dan korupsi di dunia.
Hidupnya berubah drastis setelah dia menemukan sebuah Note (buku catatan) misterius, yang disebut Death Note.

Bila nama seseorang ditulis dalam buku tersebut, orang itu akan mati tidak lama kemudian. Light mulai bertindak sebagai hakim dunia dengan menulis nama2 orang2 kriminal dan korupsi.

Orang2 kriminal dan korupsi yang tertulis namanya dalam Death Note, segera meninggal. Light merasa puas, bisa membasmi kejahatan dan berjasa bagi masyarakat. Masyarakat mengenal pembunuh para kriminal ini sebagai Kira (prononsiasi bahasa Jepang dari Killer). Kematian orang2 secara mendadak itu
akhirnya menarik perhatian Organisasi Polisi Internasional. Organisasi ini mempekerjakan seorang detektif misterius bernama "L ". L berhasil mengidentifikasi bahwa pembunuh serial ini berada di Jepang, dan pembunuh ini bisa membunuh orang tanpa menyentuh orang yang dibunuhnya.

Pertarungan antar Light dengan L dimulai karena niat L dan Organisasi Polisi Internasional untuk membongkar dan menghentikan kasus pembunuhan2 misterius ini, sejalan dengan kontroversi di masyarakat juga tumbuh, sebagian mendukung Kira
sebagai pahlawan, sebagian lain menganggap Kira hanya seorang pembunuh berdarah dingin.

Pertarungan Light dengan L semakin seru karena Light mulai menggunakan Death Note untuk membunuh para polisi yang berusaha menghentikan dia, terutama musuh utamanya si L . Mungkin pertentangan batin dalam pembaca/ penggemar kisah ini terjadi, antara anggapan Light sebagai pahlawan
atau tokoh gelap.

Saking populer dan larisnya film layar lebarnya, dibuat film sampingan yang menceritakan riwayat tokoh si L . Juga dibuat Video Games-nya. 

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Djokovic Ciptakan Sejarah di Melbourne

By : Unknown

Novak Djokovic. (Foto: Reuters)
Novak Djokovic menciptakan sejarah di Australian Open 2013. Djokovic menjadi petenis pertama yang berhasil mempertahankan Australian Open sebanyak tiga kali beruntun.

Djokovic berhasil menjadi juara setelah menumbangkan Andy Murray lewat pertarungan empat set 6-7 7-6 6-3 6-2 pada laga final di Rod Laver Arena, Minggu (27/1/2013) kemarin WIB.

Dengan demikian, kini sejajar dengan Andre Agassi dan Roger Federer yang telah memenangi Australian Open sebanyak empat kali. Djokovic sadar turnamen ini sangat spesial baginya.

“Setiap turnamen sangat spesial, khususnya di turnamen besar, kemenangan ini terasa sungguh spesial,” ujar Djokovic, diberitakan Sportal, Senin (28/1/2013).

“Jadi setiap kemenangan, tentu saja menambah bagian dari sejarah. Anda tahu, memenangi tiga kali secara beruntun sungguh luar biasa. Ini sangat menyenangkan,” sambung petenis asal Serbia itu.

Keberhasilan ini, sudah pasti akan menambah rasa percaya diri petenis peringkat nomor satu dunia itu. “Saya sangat senang sekarang. Ini akan menambah rasa percaya diri saya untuk menghadapi sisa musim,” tandas Djokovic.
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Lorenzo: Ada 4 Favorit Juara Dunia 2013

By : Unknown

Juara dunia dua kali MotoGP, Jorge Lorenzo, merasa yakin dirinya termasuk satu dari empat kandidat favorit juara dunia musim 2013. Pebalap Spanyol ini pun menyebut rekan setimnya di Yamaha Factory, Valentino Rossi, termasuk lawan yang harus diperhitungkan, di samping dua kompatriotnya, Dani Pedrosa dan Marc Marquez.

"Saya adalah orang yang harus dikalahkan karena saya menjuarai kejuaraan terakhir, tetapi Pedrosa meraih banyak kemenangan musim lalu, termasuk seri terakhir, sehingga dia harus menjadi favorit dan kemudian ada Marquez," ujar Lorenzo kepada La Gazzetta dello Sport, seperti dikutip dari Crash.net, Selasa (22/1/2013).
"Valentino juga menjadi penantang serius karena tak bisa lupa bagaimana meraih kemenangan. Empat dari kami adalah favorit, tetapi selalu ada kejutan sehingga saya tidak suka membuat prediksi."

Mengenai Rossi, juara dunia tujuh kali MotoGP, yang kembali menjadi tandemnya, Lorenzo mengaku sangat menghormatinya karena pebalap dengan julukan "The Doctor" itu sangat sukses dalam kariernya. Akan tetapi, ada faktor yang membuat Rossi agak lemah, yaitu usia.

"Saya sangat menghormati semua pebalap MotoGP.... Valentino sudah meraih banyak kemenangan, memiliki prestasi dan kesuksesan yang hebat, serta 'sempurna' sebagai seorang pebalap. Dia tak memiliki kelemahan, kecuali mungkin usia," ujar mantan juara dunia dua kali kelas 250 cc ini.

"Titik kelemahan saya adalah ketika melakukan start. Saya juga harus melakukan perbaikan di balapan basah. Akan tetapi, kami (Rossi dan saya) bakal sama-sama memiliki kesempatan tahun ini dan sama-sama di Yamaha."

Jika Rossi sudah tiga kali berganti tim (dari Honda ke Yamaha, kemudian ke Ducati dan kembali ke Yamaha), maka lain halnya dengan Lorenzo. Pada tahun 2013 ini, dia akan menjalani musim keenamnya di ajang MotoGP bersama Yamaha.

Lorenzo dan Rossi akan datang ke Indonesia pada akhir Januari ini. Setelah itu, mereka akan memulai rivalitasnya di lintasan balapan dalam uji coba pra-musim di Sirkuit Sepang, Malaysia, 5 Februari mendatang.

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Sword Art Online

By : Unknown

Sword Art Online(SAO) merupakan salah satu anime paling digemari akhir2 ini, anime ini menceritakan tentang player game online yang memakai benda hardware bernama "nervegear". Benda ini dapat membuat player seolah berada di permainan tersebut, akan tetapi mereka terjebak didalam permainan
tersebut dan tak bisa keluar dari permainan, ini semua adalah ulah dari game master (GM), dan dia mengumumkan sesuatu "Mustahil melarikan diri sebelum game diselesaikan"

'Game Over' sama artinya dengan 'kematian'. Tanpa mengetahui 'Kebenaran' dari MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) generasi selanjutnya , 'Sword Art Online(SAO)', sekitar sepuluh ribu orang masuk
bersamaan, membuka tirai game 'Kematian' yang kejam ini. Bermain sendirian dalam SAO, sang
karakter utama Kirito dengan segera menerima 'kebenaran' dari MMO ini. Dan di dalam dunia game tersebut, sebuah kastil raksasa yang melayang bernama 'Aincrad', dia membedakan dirinya sebagai
solo player. Bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan game tersebut dengan mencapai lantai teratas, Kirito dengan penuh risiko bermain sendirian. Karena dipaksa oleh seorang pendekar wanita yang ahli menggunakan 'Rapier' bernama Asuna, akhirnya Kirito bekerja sama dengannya. Pertemuan itu membawa kesempatan untuk menarik keluar takdir Kirito.

Nama asli: Kazuto Kirigaya (桐ヶ谷 和人 Kirigaya Kazuto) Tokoh utama Sword Art Online yang memiliki wajah tampan. Dia merupakan solo player di sini, namun dibalik wajahnya yang tampan itu, kemampuan bertarungnya sangat hebat dan termasuk kemampuan elit di game ini

Real name: Asuna Yuuki (結城 明日奈 Yūki Asuna) Seorang cewek yang merupakan wakil ketua dari salah satu Guild terkuat di Sword Art Online [Ketsumei Kishidan / Blood Knights]. Memiliki julukan “The
Flash” dikarenakan kemampuan pedangnya yang luar biasa cepat. Dia adalah cewek yang baik namun memiliki hati yang kuat.
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Islam Di Jepang

By : Unknown

Mesjid di Jepang

Di negara jepang saat ini terdapat ratusan buah mesjid dengan jumlah terbanyak terletak di daerah Tokyo. Mesjid tertua di Jepang adalah mesjid Kobe yang didirikan tahun 1928 oleh pedagang dari India, sedangkan mesjid tertua di Tokyo adalah Masjid Jamii yang dibangun tahun 1938 didirikan oleh orang Turki dengan mendapat sokongan penuh pemerintahnya.

Mesjid terbaru sekarang adalah Mesjid Gifu, propinsi Aichi, yang terkenal dengan industri otomotifnya. "Proyek pembangunan masjid ini menelan biaya sebesar 129 juta yen atau setara 1,1 juta dolar AS".
Dari segi bentuk fisik, mesjid yang ada di Jepang hampir tidak ada perbedaannya dengan mesjid umumnya yang ada di tanah air, besar, megah dan indah serta tidak ketinggalan bangunan menara dan
kubah besarnya. Namun perlu dicatat bahwa mesjid dengan katagori seperti di atas jumlahnya tidaklah banyak karena sebagian besar lainnya hanyalah berupa bangunan sederhana berupa rumah, apartement atau ruangan kosong yang disewa secara patungan oleh beberapa orang. Karena membuat keributan dan kebisingan adalah dilarang di negara tersebut (berlaku juga untuk agama lain) maka praktis suara azan hanya terdengar di dalam ruangan mesjid saja. Hal ini mungkin akan menjadi salah satu perbedaan paling utama kalau dibandingkan dengan kondisi mesjid di Indonesia.

Jumlah penganut Islam di Jepang

Ini merupakan bagian yang paling sulit untuk dijawab karena tidak ada catatan atau penghitungan resmi tentang hal ini. Tidak seperti di negara kita dimana agama adalah merupakan identitas wajib yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap orang, kondisi di Jepang adalah sebaliknya. Agama adalah urusan pribadi yang sama sekali tidak diatur oleh pemerintah. Sensus, angket atau pertanyaan tentang agama yang dilakukan oleh badan resmi negara dipastikan tidak akan pernah ada. Jadi jawaban pasti dari jumlah penduduk muslim di Jepang tidak akan pernah bisa didapatkan. Namun menurut perkiraan atau klaim yang dibuat oleh Islamic Center di negara tersebut menyebutkan angka sebesar 70.000 s/d 200.000 orang. Jumlah yang lumayan besar bukan ?

Muslim Jepang Asli

Dari 200.000 orang penduduk muslim di Jepang, apakah seluruhnya merupakan orang (asli) Jepang atau penduduk pendatang ? Pertanyaan yang sepertinya sangat menarik dan paling ditunggu-tunggu. Namun sekali lagi pembaca tidak akan pernah mendapat jawaban yang pasti. Berikut catatannya lebih lengkap :

1. Menurut Michael Penn, "Islam in Japan: Adversity and Diversity," Harvard Asia Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 1, Winter 2006. menyebutkan bahwa : sebagian besar umat Islam di Jepang (90%) adalah pendatang, sedangkan penduduk asli Jepang sendiri yang memeluk Islam diperkirakan tidak lebih dari 10%.
Jadi kalau perkiraan ini benar maka jumlah pemeluk Islam yang berasal dari penduduk asli adalah sekitar 7.000-20.000 orang.

2. Menurut Direktur Jenderal Institute of Developing Economic (IDE), Dr Sadashi Fukuda memperkirakan jumlahnya sekitar 10.000 orang. Kosei Morimoto, Ph.D menyebut kisaran angka 12.000 s/d 15.000 orang. Asisten Sekretaris Pres Direktur Devisi Pers Internasional Mentri Luar Jepang, Chiba Akira memperkirakan hanya sekitar 5.000-an. Tapi Imam Masjid Kobe, Mohsen Shaker, yakin jumlah umat Islam di seluruh Jepang, mencapai 20.000-an atau bahkan mungkin lebih, katanya lebih lanjut.

3. Menurut Hassan Ko Nakata, proffesor dan guru besar tentang study Islam mengatakan " Di Jepang tidak ada organisasi tunggal untuk Muslim Jepang. Juga tidak ada angka pasti berapa sebenarnya jumlah Muslim di Jepang. Tapi angka perkiraannya sekitar 70.000. Jumlah terbesar adalah Muslim dari Indonesia, sekitar 20.000 orang. Muslim asli Jepang sendiri diperkirakan hanya 7.000 orang dimana kebanyakan dari mereka masuk Islam melalui pernikahan dengan pasangan Muslim dari luar Jepang. Dari jumlah itu, hanya sekitar 500 orang yang terorganisasi di bawah Japan Muslim Association, sebuah organisasi Islam terbesar dan tertua di Jepang. Jadi, Muslim Jepang benar-benar minoritas mutlak. Keberadaannya di tengah-tengah masyarakat Jepang nyaris tak terperhatikan dan diabaikan. . . . ". Di bagian lain beliau juga mengatakan bahwa tokoh Islam (penduduk asli) sebelumnya, hampir sebagian besar tidak meninggalkan keturunan.

4. Dari websitenya Bapak Ishizawa Takeshi menyebutkan : "Menurut Shukyo Nenkan (Almanak Agama) diterbit dari Departmen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Jepang yang versi tahun 1996, jumlahnya pemeluk Islam adalah Islamic Center Japan : 2600 orang, Japan Muslim association: 120

5. Berikut saya kutipkan sebagian dari artikel yang berjudul "Islam di Jepang sebuah perjalanan panjang". Ditulis oleh Kartika Lestari dan dimuat di site PMIJ (Persaudaraan Muslim Indonesia Jepang) :
 "Walaupun banyak organisasi Islam yang didirikan sejak tahun 1900-an, masing-masing hanya memiliki sedikit anggota yang aktif. Tidak ada estimasi yang dapat dipercaya (akurat) tentang populasi Muslim Jepang. Data yang menyatakan bahwa jumlah total Muslim Jepang adalah 30.000 orang terlalu dilebih-lebihkan. Beberapa orang menyatakan bahwa jumlah total populasi Muslim Jepang sebanyak hanya ada beberapa ratus orang. Mungkin ini merupakan jumlah Muslim Jepang yang benar-benar mempraktekkan Islam. Ketika diminta untuk memberikan estimasi mengenai jumlah Muslim Jepang yang sebenarnya, Abu Bakar Marimoto mengatakan bahwa total jumlah mereka seluruhnya seribu orang, jika kita tidak melakukan pengecualian terhadap mereka yang masuk Islam karena pernikahan dan mereka yang tidak mempraktekkan Islam dengan sungguh-sungguh, mungkin jumlahnya mencapai beberapa ribu orang."

Dari sejumlah sumber yang saya kutip di atas, sepertinya sudah cukup jelas bahwa sangat sulit untuk memberikan angka yang jelas karena setiap sumber memberikan jumlah angka yang bervariasi. Islamic Center di Jepang sepertinya memberikan penjelasan yang paling tepat : "Jawabanya sangat tergantung dari pihak mana yang Anda tanya ". Wilayah dengan penduduk muslim terbanyak Kota apakah di Jepang yang memiliki jumlah muslim terbanyak ? Jawabannya adalah tidak ada. Demikian juga dengan pertanyaan seperti desa atau perkampungan muslim, bisa dikatakan tidak atau belum ada di negara tersebut. Mesjid yang berdiri di sejumlah tempat, kota ataupun desa sama sekali tidak bisa dijadikan indikasi bahwa disekitar areal tersebut adalah konsentrasi penduduk muslim. Tentu saja karena pendirian tempat ibadah di negara tersebut relatif mudah dalam arti tidak harus didirikan di tengah warga dengan agama yang sama.

Muslim terbayak di Jepang adalah warga Indonesia !
Kebanyakan dari umat muslim yang ada di Jepang adalah para pendatang dengan profesi yang beragam namun umumnya adalah pelajar, pekerja bisnis, tenaga kerja magang, serta staff kedutaan beserta keluarga. Mereka tinggal dan tersebar di banyak tempat namun umumnya terkonstrasi di kota besar seperti Tokyo, Nagoya, Osaka, Hirosima, Kobe serta wilayah lainya yamg memiliki komplek industri seperti Hamamatsu atau komplek peternakan seperti Hokkaido.
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